To serve you better, we've expanded our direct service to Houston, Texas!
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Tracking shipments with CCFS gives you greater visibility on where your freight is throughout the delivery process.

Transit Times

Need to quickly check transit times? It’s easy to find estimated transit for all your shipments.

Set-Up Shipment

Effortlessly manage every aspect of your shipments. Think of this page as your manifest for the day. You can create new outbound, inbound and 3rd party shipments.

Quick Pick Up

In a hurry? Set up a Quick pickup in under 30 seconds. Just enter some basic info and we’ll come pick it up.

Shipping History

Have clear visibility of your shipments and their status. You have access to your shipping documents, invoices and photos.

Address Book

Getting quotes and setting up shipments is a breeze when you use our address book tool. Simply upload your contacts and all the fields will be pre-populated for you.

Settings, Alerts & Reports

Subscribe to alerts & reports that you want to see. Get notified when your freight is delivered, when there’s a weather delay, and much more!


Use our Invoices tool to access your BOL, POD, W&I and a summary of all your invoices, that show current, short and past due.


Get a quick and accurate quote in seconds. You can immediately use your quote to create a shipment or save your quote for up to 30 days.

Direct Points
Direct Points
Claims Free
On-time Ratio
Service Centers

Your True Cost

Understanding root causes of inefficiency is crucial to lowering true costs. This is the case for shippers and carriers alike. While a quote may appear inexpensive, what are the hidden costs to you, your company, and your customers? …How can you limit the frequency of these unwanted expenses?

Learn more by exploring the insights below.

Missing FreightMissing Freight
missing freight
Why do carriers lose my freight?
Damaged freight
Why do carriers damage my freight?
Damaged freight stackedDamaged freight part 2
Delayed freightDelayed Freight
Delayed freight
Why do carriers delay my freight?

solutions that

deliver results

tailored solutions   •   dedicated service   •   trusted partners
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